Gregory S Casey Sr.
B.A. Political Science and History - University of Idaho
Graduate Institute for Legislative Affairs - Congressional Research Service, U.S. Library of Congress
Greg Casey is a founding partner of Veritas Advisors and a fourth generation Idahoan with deep roots. Recognized for his strategic and organizational skills, Greg Casey has been in business, public policy and politics at all levels for decades, once serving as President of The Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI). Currently a principle in several private ventures, he sits on boards of domestic and international companies and is a founder of Momentum Advocacy, a commercial venture developing a new international technology platform.
His public service includes Chief of Staff to both a member of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, Deputy Chief of staff for the Senate Majority Leader, Transition Director for a newly elected Governor of Idaho, a member of the transition team for a newly elected President of the United States, and as an elected officer of Congress, serving as the 34th Sergeant At Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate.
During his 16 years as President/CEO of the Business Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC) he developed an employer to employee grassroots advocacy system which became the nation’s most pervasive. Casey combines his powerful insider’s knowledge of how things work with real-world experience to provide unique insights and solutions.